- 「わたしたちの年金もこの森林破壊に使われている」という告発
- Blackrock’s Big Deforestation Problem
- Brazilian Legislators Break Law, Attack Amazon
- Breaches of Indigenous Communities’ Rights in Brazil
- Complicity in Destruction
- Deforestation increases
- European & US Relationships with the Bancada Ruralista
- GPIF 投資先
- Is Brazil ‘overkilling’ its cattle herd?
- Itochu Corporation Case Study
- Japanese Pension Fund Pays for Amazon Deforestation 2021
- Marubeni Corporation Case Study
- Oji Holdings Corporation Case Study
- Under Fire
- Will Japan’s Megabanks Stop Financing Rainforest Destruction?
- アマゾン森林破壊と日本
- みんなでできるアクションは?
- 地球の気候を安定させるアマゾン
- 投資家には責任がある